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Argan Oil Cosmetics

Argan oil, which comes from a tree native to Morocco, benefits the body in many ways. The oil is becoming increasingly popular in the cosmetic industry for its unique ability to beautify the skin and hair. Moroccans have been using the oil for beauty and health reasons for centuries.

In the cosmetic world, argan oil is known for its anti-aging benefits. The oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, which makes it an ideal beauty product. The oil has the unique ability to correct age related deficiencies in the skin. The effects of the oil on aging skin, acne, and dry skin have given the oil the nicknames of "Liquid Gold" and "Gold of Morocco." Argan oil benefits skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and even the chicken pox.

The oil’s anti-inflammation properties are useful in treating several conditions. For example, the oil can provide relief from arthritic or rheumatism pain. Argan oil is also rich in carotenes, unsaturated fatty acids, and essential fatty acids.

In addition to its use for the skin, argan oil benefits the hair. The oil is said to eliminate frizz and restore hair damaged by chemicals and environmental free radicals. The oil can increase the elasticity of hair, which reduces hair breakage.


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